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Talent & Organizational Performance

Peak performance through process, structure and culture


Align your business and talent strategies

Achieving excellence in business requires that you have the right people focused on the right goals. We can help you to clarify your vision, optimize your resources, and create strategies that accelerate achievement.

Strategic Workforce

and Succession Planning

Strategic Workforce and Succession Planning

A plan for engaging your current workforce while developing resources that will meet your future organizational goals.

HR Strategy & Benchmarking

We assist HR leaders with insights into the department’s function and scope by benchmarking against peer organizations and developing a service delivery model with the correct resourcing level and a 90-day action plan

HR Strategy &


Labor Market


Labor Market Analysis

Felix does an immersive analysis to ensure a market is going to provide your business with the workforce size and skills you need, while offering an environment and culture that will help your enterprise thrive. We then take that analysis and provide strategies to help you leverage the market to its fullest.

Cultural Integration

Your people aren’t just on the same page; they’re all involved in writing the story of your collective success.





Organizational Design

Shape the way your organization is structured and operated to achieve peak performance.

Case Study: Recruiting and reshaping a sales force

In 2022, the company kicked off “Salesforce Optimization” efforts which included hiring for a new 100+ employee sales organization. As part of a strategic company-wide initiative, they set out to create an internal, fully employed salesforce that could speak to a broader audience while bringing science, research, and data to all conversations with current and prospective clients. This was a significant change from the previously used independent dealer salesforce model. This effort was part of a long-term strategy intended to enable sustained growth in the decades to come

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