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without harm to clients or company


that rewarded talent and reduced attrition


of fulfillment and relevance for a celebrated partner

Key Take-aways

  • A transition without a harm to clients or company
  • Promotions that reduced attrition.
  • A fulfilling post-corporate life for a celebrated partner


A leading international law firm that is known for providing high-value, strategic solutions on matters vital to client success. With more than 1,200 lawyers across the United States and Asia, they provide a full array of legal advice to a broad range of clients, including many of the world’s most innovative companies and industry leaders and public and not-for-profit organizations.


A senior partner with some of the largest accounts in the company had begun to think about what he would do after the mandatory retirement age of 62. He was more concerned about his clients and the firm than himself although he was starting to think about how he could stay relevant after leaving his role.

Impact & Results

  • Felix and the client were able to design a portfolio life for the client with 5 verticals that met his needs and life passions.
  • His new work-life has meaning and impact while providing for flexibility and relevancy.
  • Felix ensured his transition allowed the company to maintain his clients, retain and promote key talent and set the standard for the succession of key leaders.
  • Most important, this portfolio life helped him address his two most critical “horizontals”, his family, and his own well-being.

How Felix Made A Difference

  • The client agreed to go through our extensive assessments. In the debrief with the Felix industrial psychologist, we identified his preferences, style, and personality. His wife joined the meetings, and we went through his life history to uncover what he truly enjoyed and what was important to him and his family.
  • The advisor and client decided that they would design a “Portfolio Life” to give the client a vison of what his post-corporate life could be. Creating this vision took several months of regular meetings that respected his busy schedule.
  • We paid particular attention to potential impacts on the Company, looking at succession and communication options. The client was concerned about continuity with accounts that he had brought to the firm, nurtured, and served for many years.
  • When the client was ready, he shared his desire to retire from the firm earlier than the mandatory date. By giving over a year notice, he allowed the firm to do appropriate succession planning and communication.
  • His contributions to the firm were celebrated and several junior partners took over his role.

Our Approach Is Everything

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